Worlds Most Rewarding Partner Program

The Zahara Tribe

Since 2018, Zahara has built a leading World-Class Collaboration Program with creators from all around the world.

Simply put, we're different, we care & we want to see you grow alongside us.

We're dedicated to creating a community who enjoy getting in front of the camera, no matter the experience or number of followers.

Our program

★ Incredible lifetime discount codes

★ Opportunities to shoot with professional photographers & videographers from around the world

★ Earn 15% commission on all sales made through your custom referral code

★ Chance to be sent free collections

★ First look on new products & exclusive discounts via email

★ Be featured on our website & social media

★ Discounts on brand partnerships - from jewellery brands to mobile preset-packs, our program gives you access to big discounts with our partners.

blow up your socials with Zahara's Trend Hub

We've built an exclusive trend hub, where you get access to all current trending audios, videos, trends and tips that will elevate and grow your socials.

limited opportunities available

Collab with Zahara

We only partner with a handful of creatives per month. If this sounds like a fun collaboration you would be interested in, apply below & we will get back to you shortly!